Ordering Whole Bean or Fresh Ground Coffee from Holualoa, HI
Shipping and refund policies apply, depending on where our varieties of whole bean or fresh ground coffee from Holualoa, HI, are sent.
We aim to ship the day after orders are received, Monday through Friday, by USPS flat-rate priority mail. We ship flat-rate priority and standard international to Japan, Taiwan, Korea, UK, Canada, and Mexico. Other shipping destinations and rate inquiries welcomed!
Domestic Shipment Rates
1-2 pounds $18
3-5 pounds $20
6-8 pounds $28
9-18 pounds $50
19 pounds and over, please enquire by email, or call us at 808-322-1700.
We appreciate our Kona coffee customers and feel it is a priority to provide you with a satisfying experience when you order coffee from Kona Blue Sky Coffee. We strive for happy customers but will refund an order if you are not entirely pleased with the product. Please give us a call. We do not refund charges that are past 21 days of the process.